Monday, 24 February 2014

Week of Feb 24th - 28th

lundi le 24 fév, 2014

Chers familles de division 16,

In Language Arts this week students are strongly encouraged to begin saying the French words and phrases they have been learning - in class and outside of school whenever possible. Do you have French speaking family, relatives or neighbors your child can speak with? See last week's blog entry for some of the phrases we have been practicing. You can also use google translate for the following phrases: Bonjour, comment ça va? Ça va bien? Ça va mal? Est-ce que je peux aller au toilettes? Je dois aller aux toilettes. Oui. Non. Merci. S'il vous plaît. De rien. Au revoir. J'aime... , Je vois..., Voila..., Pourquoi? Parce- ce que... . Our letter of the week is N and n. Now that our fine motor skills are developing, we are learning to write letters carefully on solid and dotted lines. In particular, we are learning that the lower case g, j, p, q and y go "in the basement" of the house (basement being below the line).

In math this week, we are continuing to review counting by 1's up to 30, and by 10 up to 100. In Science we are continuing sound and beginning our 5th and last sense, sight. In Social Studies we are exploring the different types of families we have and learning where our families come from on a globe and a world map.

In Physical Education (PE), we are playing with the gymnastics and climbing equipment. We are also learning hand eye coordination with hockey and badminton equipment in our centers. Students are also learning to express themselves physically by acting out emotions to the beat of a drum. For example, emotions we are learning are: content, triste, frustré, excité, étonné.

Have another wonderful week! Mme Elise

Monday, 17 February 2014

Week of Feb 17th - 20th

lundi le 17 février, 2014

Chèrs familles,

This week we will be celebrating our 100th day of school! Today students reviewed how to count up to 100 by 10's (10, 20, 30). Many student have handed in their 100-day projects. There are some wonderfully creative displays that include lego, rubber bands, photographs, fruit loops, beads, stickers, poms poms and cheerios. We will do some more 100 related activities, such as walking around the school, counting classroom materials and visiting other classroom projects.

In Language Arts we are doing the letter M and m this week. Opportunities to practice this letter includes decoding it in our morning messages, finding it in texts, tracing it on paper, and writing it in our journals. In writing today, we reviewed how to write lower case letters by starting at the top and working our way down, keeping our pencils on the page (for most letters). We will continue this as we carry on with our weekly letter exploration. In Oral Language, our classroom dog "Scruffy" is helping us to learn French greetings such as "Bonjour, comment ça va?"= Hello, how are you?, "Ça va bien, merci!" = Good, thank you, "Pourquoi"' = Why?, "Parce-ce que" = because. We will continue to learn conversational French to build on the letters and sounds we are learning. Students have learned "Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes s'il vous plaît?" = May I go to the bathroom please? Please ask them if they can remember this phrase and have them practice this at home. Or at home they can say "Je dois aller aux toilettes" = I need to go to the bathroom.

In Science we are exploring the sense of hearing, which we did not have time to do last week. In music on Wednesday, we have a special presentation by a Folk Harp duo as part of a Ptarmigan Music Society funded musical experience. In preparation for their visit, students have been learning "Oh Suzannah," "Amazing Grace," and "Farewell to Novia Scotia".

Please note in your calendars that this Friday, February 21st there is no school for students.

Have a wonderful week, Elise

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Week of Feb 11th - 14th

mardi le 11 février, 2014

Chèrs familles,

I hope you all had a wonderful Family Day weekend!

We have started our week with a visit to our local Senior Home and gave our beautiful, homemade Valentine's Day cards. Tomorrow, we will be continuing to learn how to count up to 100 using groups of 10 (10, 20, 30...) and by 1's (1, 2, 3, 4....). We will also be learning how to pronounce, write and identify the letter L and l.

Our family themed "Show and Tell" started today and will continue for the next few weeks. In Science, our sense this week is hearing. We will explore this sense by listening to glass jars filled with different amounts of water, and matching up shakers with different sounds (for example rice and sand).

And finally, students will be exploring free play centers as I begin term 2 assessments with individual students. Last week we read "Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids", by Carol McCloud. Students are learning to apply kindness by "filling each other's buckets" using kind gestures throughout their day, especially during free play. Feel free to ask your child about how their bucket and their friends buckets are doing today.

Have a wonderful week and a very Happy Valentine's Day!

Mme Elise

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Week of Feb 4th - Feb 8th

mardi le 4 février, 2014

Dear families,

February is already here and we have many exciting projects coming up!

In preparation for our Parkwood Court Senior’s visit next week, we are creating Valentine’s Day cards in class today and tomorrow for our adopted grandma and grandpa's. As we learn to write individual letters (this week we are on K and k). Please note- I made a mistake to write L in yesterday's email), we are practicing writing a sentence in our cards, as well as in our journals. We are learning the most important parts of a sentence; capitol letters, periods and letter spacing. Sentence stems we are learning are “Je vois…” (I see), “C’est…” (It is) and “Voici…” (Here is).

In Science this week we are exploring the sense of smell. Students will be working in groups to identify and match containers with matching smells. For example, cinnamon and coffee. We are also continuing our Science presentations. Yesterday we made a chemical reaction with vinegar and baking soda. Wow, that was a hit!

Today, a newsletter with a description of two home - based projects were sent home in purple duotangs. The first is a Family Show and Tell Project, and the schedule for your child's presentation date was also sent home today. The second project is a 100-Day project, which is due on Monday, February 17th. See attachment sent home for details about these projects. Feel free to contact me by phone or email if you have any questions.

Over the next few months we are participating in the Eat Well Get Moving (EWGM) initiative. Each month, students will have a Crunch & Go Card stapled to their duotangs. Please keep this attached and help remind your child to check it off. Each time your child does 15 minutes of exercise and eat a fruit or vegetable, they can add a check mark to their card (at home and at school). At the end of each month, the card will be used to enter a draw for a prize. A Free Admission Recreation Pass will be sent home tomorrow to kick off Eat Well Get Moving!

Have a wonderful sun-filled week, Elise