Thursday, 26 February 2015

Spelling next week

This spelling test will be on Thursday, March 5th.

1. made
2. make
3. many
4. may
5. me
6. more
7. much
8. must
9. my
10. myself
11. near
12. never
13. no
14. not
15. nothing
Bonus: 16. number

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Week of Feb 23rd - 27th

lundi le 23 février, 2015

Chèrs familles,

This week students are practicing their dictée and learning to identify and pronunciate the 'ou' sound. They are also learning to do a book report with a 'just right' French story they have chosen from the classroom library. This book report includes finding many aspects of the book such as: the author, the illustrator, the genre, describing the main and secondary characters, finding the problem and the solution. It even includes measuring the length and width of their book, which integrates nicely with our Math topic of the week: measurement.

In Math, students are estimating and using a variety of instruments such as rulers, tape measures and meter sticks. They are measuring classroom materials and body parts (including their height). We will re-measure our heights at the end of the school year to see how much we have grown!

In Social Studies this week, students are creating a timeline of their life, in chronological order. In Science, we have measured and taken photos of our structures. We will watch a slideshow of our structures and reflect on the challenges we faced when building these towers. In the Computer lab, students are continuing to create an English PowerPoint slide show about themselves using the paragraph format we are learning (introductory sentence, interesting details, and a concluding sentence). In Gym we will be doing some dance and yoga. In Art, students are completing some dot pictures of their favourite Chinese zodiac animal. Come and see these beautiful images on our wall!

Have a wonderful week! Mme Garcin

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Dictée next week

This dictée will be on Thursday February 26th, 2015.

The sound we are working on is: ou (like in the word who, but no wh). This sound can be written in many ways: oud, ouds, oue, ouls, oup, ous, out, oux and oo.

Look for these letter combinations in your dictée and home reading. For example, le loup (the wolf), is pronounced lou (the p is silent).

Here are the dictée sentences:

1. Sur la toundra je vois un iglou.

2. Il est fait de neige et de cailloux.

3. J'entre par un grand trou.

4. Je fais une soupe de choux.

Bonus: 5. J'écoute la chanson des loups.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Week of Feb 16th - 19th

lundi le 16 février, 2015

Salut chers familles,

Term 2 reports will be going home soon, therefore students are doing a variety of assessments. In Language Arts this week we are doing some listening, reading and writing exercises in both French and English. In Math, students are reviewing multiplication and division up to 10, as well as reading a 24 hour clock and adding money up to $10.00. Today students did a review test and on Wednesday morning another opportunity to show their learning in Math so far this year.

In Science today students measured the structures they built last week, in centimeters. This will lead into our measurement unit and we will learn to measure and compare ourselves and objects in the classroom and outside (using both centimeters and meters).

Today in the gym we had a special anti-bullying concert and presentation by touring musician Ryan Laird. We learned and sang the lyrics to his hit song "Bigger Than That", while also learning some important lessons about youth empowerment ( After the show we talked about positive traits we look for in people. For example kindness, patience and humour. Tomorrow we have Leslie from the Native Friendship Center coming in to do a First Nations craft activity. This will be her last visit in our classroom and we have prepared a thoughtful card with detailed comments of gratitude (in full sentences).

This week we are starting our yoga and dance unit. Please encourage your child to wear stretchy or loose fitting clothing on Tuesday's and Friday's when we have the gym. This will help with ease of movement and flexibility during these activities.

Please note there is no school this Friday, Feb 20th. See you back at school on Monday!

Have a great weekend, Mme Garcin

Spelling this week

Here are our high fluency words for the spelling test this week. It will be on Thursday, February 19th. Please note that this Friday, Feb 20th is a PRO-D day and there will be no school.

1. I               9. laugh
2. if             10. let
3. in             11. light
4. is             12. like
5. jump        13. little
6. just           14. live
7. kind          15. long
8. know         Bonus: 16. look

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Week of Feb 10th - 13th

mardi le 10 février, 2015

This week in French Language Arts, students are writing a story about an adventure in the Canadian Arctic. Students are learning to apply their paragraph knowledge and Winter vocabulary to this short story. Students are also writing English paragraphs about themselves using the PowerPoint program. We are also practicing our dictée once using mini-chalkboards. Students are encouraged to practice their dictée several times at home throughout the week. Our phonetic sound this week is "on". When doing home reading, ask your child to point our the different ways this sound can be written in their books. This helps solidify French oral and written language because so many of the letters are silent. NOTE: the dictée this week is on Friday morning.

In Math, as we are nearing the end of term 2, students are continuing to review multiplication and division up to 10, time and money. Measurement is coming up next. An introduction to measurement in centimeters and meters will begin tomorrow when students build their Science towers. For Social Studies this week we have our full day field trip to the museum on Thursday. In the morning we have a tour of the First Nations exhibit. In the afternoon we'll be visiting the 21st Century Hall where many local Old Towne artifacts are to be explored from the last 100 years.

In PE today we did our last hockey practice. We are now doing yoga and dance. This Friday we will have a special dance workshop in the gym.

A few reminders for Friday: it is pink and red day and please remember to return library books, even for renewal. Thank you!

Have a wonderful week, Mme Garcin

Friday, 6 February 2015

Dictée next week

This dictée will be on Friday, February 13th.

The phonetic sound is "on". It can we written in many ways: on, onc, ond, ong, omb, ons, ont, om
Daily practice at home is highly recommended and only takes about 10 minutes. The more practice, the greater chance a child will feel success for hard work.

Here are some studying tips for students: a) make sure each sentence starts with a capitol and a period, b) learn the high frequency words that are often repeated (for example in this dictée the words "maman" "perdu", "son" (his/her) and "sont" (are), c) double check your work when you finish.

Here are the sentences:

1. La maman chatte a perdu son chaton.

2. La maman cane a perdu son caneton.

3. La maman ratte a perdu son raton.

4. Mais non, ils sont tous cachés dans la maison.

5. Chaton, caneton, raton, sortez de la maison!

IMPORTANT NOTE: No school this Monday, February 9th. It is Family Day holiday.

See you on Tuesday, Mme Garcin

Monday, 2 February 2015

Week of Feb 2nd - 6th

lundi le 2 février, 2015

Salut chers familles,

This week in Math students are doing multiplication and division drills up to 10 by applying the rules they have learned so far. For example, multiplying by a factor of 1 is always equal to the other factor  (1  × 9 = 9) and dividing a number by the same number always equals 1 ( 30 ÷ 30 = 1). Students are asked to have a good understanding of multiplication up to 10 (memorizing the table is recommended), to understand division up to 10, to read a 24 hour clock and to count money up to $25.00. There will be short quiz covering these topcis at the end of the week, or early next week.

In Language Arts, students are completing and correcting the French paragraphs they wrote last week. We are using our new classroom projector to look at a variety of sample paragraphs and correcting them together. French verb conjugations are being applied to our writing and other fill-in-the blank worksheets for extra practice. Next, students will write another paragraph in English using the same or a different topic.

In the computer lab this week, students are going have an introduction to PowerPoint. For the next few weeks, students will learn to combine their spelling vocabulary knowledge, paragraph writing skills and simple/compound sentence structures to create an interesting slide show. This PowerPoint program will be used for future projects as well. After the computer lab we go to the gym! We have been playing both indoor and outdoor hockey, depending on the weather.

On Thursday we have a 3rd visit with our buddies from Mme Koski's kindergarten class. So far, big buddies have: 1) taught small buddies body part vocabulary using life-size body tracing chart paper, and 2) completed a Venn diagram to share common and unique traits (eg hair colour, siblings, favourite sport, etc). This week we will do some drawing, reading and centers with our buddies.

In Science we are continuing to collect recycled materials for our final building project. Today students have practiced building with a variety of shapes and base strengthening materials. In Social Studies this week we will build a traditional long-house model, borrowed from the First Nations resource center. Also, throughout the next week or two, students are sharing their cultural artifact. So far we have some very beautiful items such as a Scottish tartan, a 100 year-old coffee grinder and a handmade Sioux First Nations deer hide bassinet (baby cradle). Thank you for sharing these wonderful artifacts!

Have a wonderful week, Mme Garcin