Monday, 2 May 2016

Week of May 2nd - 6th 2016

Chers familles de division 6,

This week students are being introduced to the most commonly used past tense, le passé composé. We are starting with the verb aimer (to like). This tense is used with a past event that is complete at the time of speech. For example, "I liked that movie" is "J'ai aimé ce film". There are always two parts to the passé composé. Part 1 is the auxiliary verb être or avoir in the present tense (for example: J'ai or Je suis) and part 2 is the past participle of a verb (in this example "aimé"). Students will learn to apply this past tense in their writing. In Writing, students are now correcting a final copy of their pen pal letters. In Reading, students are doing one-on-one with me or the learning support teacher. Strategies we are working on are fluency, pronunciation and comprehension. Grade 2's are also doing a novel study with Mme Rolston.

In Math, both grade 2 & 3's are continuing to participate in the National Math competition, Number Rumble, offered by Topics include questions about number logic, arithmetic, geometry and time. In Mme Rolston's class, students are reviewing their geometry unit and will soon begin graphing. In Grade 3, students are learning to convert metric measurements from kilometers to meters and millimeters. Later this week we will begin our geometry unit.

In Science, students are learning about animals and their habitats. We have talked about the forest, ocean, freshwater, desert and arctic environments and what the characteristics are of animals that live in these places. In the coming weeks, students will learn to create a PowerPoint slideshow about their chosen animal and habitat in the computer lab. They will learn to read information and summarize. In PE, students are continuing to learn tennis skills on Wednesdays. On other days, we are doing track. This week students will learn to do a relay using a baton.

In Art this week, we are learning about local artist, Emily Carr. We are going to see her original artwork on our field trip to the Art Gallery this Wednesday morning. On Thursday, we also have a special visiting band performance. Friday evening is Quadra's Got Talent, come have fun! BBQ is at 5:30 PM and the show starts at 7:00pm in the gym.

Have a great week,

Mme Garcin