Chers familles de division 6,
We only have 2 weeks left before the Winter Break and here's what's we're up to...
In French students are reading with me one-on-one so that I can give them specific feedback and assess their level of fluency and comprehension. Today, each student read a book to their Kindergarten buddies. Students have progressed very well in their reading this term, bravo! They are now writing the final good copies of their Doncaster pen pal letters. We hope to send these off before the break, along with their picture and a colorful drawing. We are also preparing for the last dictée and using the sentences to make connections to grammar, spelling and punctuation we have been learning so far this term. For example, the application of commas, exclamation and question marks, verb conjugations, the spelling of common sight words and the plural form of nouns and adjectives. A new grammatical concept being learned this week is writing sentences from the affirmative to negative form. In French, the words "ne...pas" go before and after the verb. For example, Je suis contente ( I am happy) becomes....Je ne suis pas contente (I am not happy).
In English, students are reading with me one-on-one and given personalized feedback. They are also completing and correcting their short stories. By the way, there won't be a spelling test next week before the holidays. In Math, students are practicing single-digit multiplication and division. They will be taking home a multiplication table and are encouraged to memorize as many as they can over the holidays. We will continue division when we return from holidays.
In Science, we are continuing to explore the answers to our Big Questions. For example, why do humans walk on two legs, what does the moon do for us? what was the first language on earth? In Social Studies we are learning about cultures and religions around the world that celebrate holidays using light. For example, Winter solstice, Santa-Lucia, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Christmas, Zwanzaa and Diwali.
In Art this week, students are printing the engraved stories they illustrated with 6 images. Once they are dry, students will re-tell and present their story in small groups or to the class. Students will also be creating a variety of crafts this week and next, some for home and some for the tree we'll be decorating at Government House next week on Tuesday December 13th. Students did a wonderful performance today at the intermediate concert, bravo!
For the next couple weeks, students will continue to participate in daily physical activity with their weekly dance lessons, outdoor play and cooperative games in the gym. This is the last post before the holidays start. The last day of school is Friday, December 16. This is an exciting day because students are asked to wear PJ's all day and families are invited for a pancake breakfast in the gym from 8:30-9am. We'll be back at school on Monday January 2, 2017.
Have a wonderful holiday!
Mme Garcin