Monday, 13 March 2017

Week of Mar 13 - 17, 2017

lundi le 13 mars 2017

Chers familles de division 6,

We are continuing many of the activities started last week.  In French Language Arts, students are still learning the imperfect, past tense. There is also daily oral practice, especially in the morning during our calendar, when students share their news and/or feelings. This gives us an opportunity not only to develop our French oral language, but also to problem solve and build a strong classroom community. If time permits, students will read their new pen pals letters from Doncaster and they will begin writing a rough draft of their reply.

In English, we are continuing to read Stuart Little and illustrate the story sequence with detailed drawings. Last week we read Flat Stanley (a much shorter story), and we are continuing to find similarities and differences between these two stories. Most students have finished creating a Flat Stanley drawing, and they will all be bringing him (or Flat Sally) home for spring break. There is a Flat Stanley Poster Project description coming home on Tuesday. During spring break, students are asked to take photos and keep a journal of what they do with Flat Stanley. Or, mail it to someone who sends it back with photos and a journal by the end of spring break. Students are asked to bring 3 things when coming back from spring break: 1) 5-8 photos with Flat Stanley (if you can't print them, you can email me up to 5 and I can print them at the school on regular black and white paper), 2)along with a final corrected write-up (either one page in length or a short description of each photo, in complete sentences) and 3) a large blank poster. We will use these 3 things to create poster projects, in English, back at school after the break. A detailed project description is being emailed and feel free to email me if you have any questions.

In Math, students are continuing to prepare for their bake sale by practicing how to make change, and make some last minute signage and price tags. Today we played money bingo and will continue to play math games every day to help solidify new math concepts learned so far. Our bake sale will be on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the lunch hour, outside near the gym doors.

In Social Studies today, all 7 continents and 4 oceans were reviewed. Students are going to use a map to find and identify these landforms. A discussion and some games around continents, countries, provinces and territories will continue this week in order to review what has been learned so far. In Art, students who are finished their Flat Stanley's, will create something at our creation station. In other words, there will be a variety of craft materials and students can create whatever they want! In PE, students will play a cooperative game in the gym on Friday, before saying goodbye to each other for spring break. This Friday is the last day of school for the next two weeks.

See you back here on Monday, April 3rd, 2017. Have a wonderful break!

Mme Garcin