mardi le 18 avril, 2017
Chers familles de division 6,
Today we reviewed the grammar related to our dictée. Students are learning to identify feminine and masculine articles (le, la) and possessive adjectives (mon, ma, ton ta), then add the appropriate ending to the following noun. For example, le, la, mon, ma, ton and ta. Because this is a short week, we will review the dictée several times this week by also reading it aloud, looking at common mistakes and practice writing it. For term 3, students continue to read individually every day and in small groups and/or as a class on a weekly basis. The reading strategy we are starting to work on is the "liaison". This is an added sound between two words that end in a consonant and begin with a vowel or silent h. For example, Ils -z- allaient (They went). This helps develop an oral native-like fluency.
In English this week, we are continuing our novel study or Stuart Little. We have 3 chapters left to read and illustrate. Students are learning how to read punctuation and sounds out long and difficult words. We are going to begin talking about story elements, such as the characters and the plot.
In Math this week students are learning how to measure the perimeter of a regular and irregular shape. We are using centimeters and meters as our units. They are also continuing to measure objects in the classroom and different parts of their bodies. A variety of measuring tools are provided and they need to choose the best one for the task.
In Science this week, we continue to observe all the seeds we have germinated and planted in the windows. Students are taking notes of what they see and labeling the different parts of the plants on their diagrams. The growing chefs vegetables are also growing really well! There is a watering schedule so that each students has a turn to water and rotate the plants.
In Social Studies and Art this week, students carved soapstone wolves, bears and orcas! Our special guest and artist Kent Laforme explained a little bit about the First Nations origins and history of stone carving, which is common among cultures in our northern territories and provinces. I will also read a Métis story this week to facilitate a discussion about our Métis heritage.
Quadra will be starting weekly track practices next week, so in PE this week students will learn some stretching and running techniques, followed by 100m and 400m running. Also, to help support a positive classroom, our district counselor Katie Lutes will be coming in to follow up on our "zones of regulation" tools and strategies, such a breathing techniques and stretching exercises.
See you next week for our student-led conferences! Mme Garcin