lundi le 18 janvier, 2016
Chers familles de Division 6,
This week in French Language Arts, students are writing final copies of their letters to Doncaster pen pals. We are applying grammar, punctuation and spelling that we have been learning since September. In Reading, students are resuming guided reading groups, which we do 3-4 times per week. Each time we focus on a particular reading strategy, for example, reading with fluency (with a liaison), phonetics (letter sound combinations) or comprehension. Since September we have had a UVIC student volunteer to read with us on Wednesday's. This will be her last week and we will soon have more UVIC students coming in to read with students one-on-one.
In Grade 3 English, we have a spelling test on Thursday. Students are encouraged to use to study our words. We are also learning to use RAZ Kids online during our weekly computer block. This is an English reading program Mme Rolston has subscribed to for us and students are enjoying at school. All Grade 3's have been sent home with log-in information, a student number and their starting level (which is different from French reading levels). In grammar this week, we are learning about what adjectives are and how to identify them in text. And finally, students are very engaged in our novel study of Stuart Little. We will continue to discuss reading strategies before, during and after reading, such as predicting, oral fluency and summarizing.
In Math this week, Grade 3's are learning division, and continuing to do practice multiplication drills. Grade 2's are continuing to learn and practice addition and subtraction. In Social Studies this week, students are creating one large map of École Quadra School with a title, north arrow, colour code, labels and photographs. They are also learning about the 7 continents and 4 oceans of our world. In PE, we are learning some key skills such as balancing, throwing, galloping and jumping. We will also continue being active outside regularly, with cardio and some basketball.
We have not yet decided what we are doing in Art this week, but please come by and visit our dot pictures, paper lanterns and face collages we made last week on display in the class! As part of our learning about social responsibility, our face collages have prompted some interesting discussions about how we are all very different (physically and emotionally). The key message is to respect each others differences.
To another exciting week of learning! Mme Garcin