Monday, 25 January 2016

Week of Jan 25th- 29th 2016

lundi le 25 janvier, 2016

Chers familles,

This is going to be another exciting week. Today students learned the present tense of the irregular verb "aller" (to go). We learned a song to help us remember it so ask your child to sing it at home! By the way, this will be the verb for the following grade 3 dictée in two weeks. Now that we are finished writing our first pen pal letters, students will write a story. We are focusing on meaning (ideas and details), style (vocabulary and sentence structure), form (beginning middle and end) and conventions (spelling and grammar). In Reading, students are currently taking turns reading one-on-one with me and Mr Bob MacDonald, our learning support teacher. This can help us provide specific feedback and assess their current reading level. At this time of year, it is amazing to see the progress being made since September. Great job with your home reading routines, they are making a big difference in reading abilities.

In Math, grade 2's are adding and subtracting 10's. Grade 3's are continuing to learn division, as well as do multiplication drills to help solidify these skills. In English, grade 3's this week are continuing to learn about adjectives. All grade 3's now have a RAZ Kids account for practicing their English reading skills online. Today they logged on during our computer block. Grade 3 students are also encouraged to do this from home. And finally, we are reading chapter 8 of Stuart Little. Many students are enjoying our first read aloud novel study.

In Social Studies this week, students are introduced to Canadian geography. Today we located our 10 provinces, 3 territories and some of our capital cities. We are also putting some finishing touches on our classroom project of École Quadra School. We are adding a legend, north arrow and title. Student's are currently taking photographs of each staff member. Once we add these photos our project will be complete! We will let you know when and where it will be on display.

As part of an early introduction to our Science unit on plants, and an integration of local Indigenous cultural studies, Wednesday morning we will be going on our plant walk with botanist and local First Nations member, Mark Albany. Remember to wear warm clothes, rain gear and bring a healthy snack. We will be back at lunch time. On Friday we will have another exciting PE lesson with the PISE program. Last week students practiced their running skills and learned 3 running games they can play with their friends: Everybody is It Tag, Germ Time and Canadian Dog Tails.

Remember that on Friday there is a Family dance here in the gym from 6:30-8:30 pm. The theme is glow in the dark!

Happy learning, Mme Garcin