Thursday 28 April 2016

Grade 2 & 3 dictée: Thurs May 5th, 2016

Grade 2:

1. la lecture
2. un mot
3. le monde
4. ma province
5. Victoria
6. samedi
7. vendredi
8. un sac
9. le papier
10. la pluie

Grade 3:

*verb review in present tense: regarder (to look), faire (to do) and pouvoir (to be able to)


Je regarde
Tu regardes
Il regarde
Elle regarde
Nous regardons
Vous regardez
Ils regardent
Elles regardent


Je fais
Tu fais
Il fait
Elle fait
Nous faisons
Vous faîtes
Ils font
Elles font


Je peux
Tu peux
Il peut
Elle peut
Nous pouvons
Vous pouvez
Ils peuvent
Elles peuvent

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Week of April 25th - 29th

Chers familles de Division 6,

This week in French Language Arts, students are continuing to write their response letters to their Doncaster pen pals. In their responses, students are writing about their likes, asking and answering questions, and applying the writing skills they have learned so far this year. Students are also reading aloud what they have learned about Owls. They are also reading in small groups once a week and individually on a daily basis. Students are encouraged to continue their daily 10-15 minutes of reading at home and record it on their reading logs.

In Math, grade 3 students are continuing their measurement unit. Today students have learned the metric units from kilometer to millimeter. For example, how many meters are in a kilometer? They are also measuring objects in the classroom using different tools such as a meter stick, a ruler and a tape measure. In grade 2, students are continuing to learn about geometric shapes.

In English, grade 3's this week at continuing to develop their reading and comprehension skills. They are writing full sentence answers and applying the grammar they learned throughout the first and second term. By the way, the weekly spelling list is always posted at This is a fun way to practice spelling from home! Our weekly spelling test is on Thursday.

In Science this week students have observed, drawn and written about their seed germination. Many have planted their germinating seed. Later this week or next week, we will transfer our plants into small pots using the soil from our classroom worm bin compost. When students bring their vegetable plants home, make sure to place them indoors in a sunny window with plenty of water for a few weeks. Once they are about 1foot tall or bigger, they can be planted in a garden!

In PE, students are continuing their tennis lessons. Outside, we will also start doing some track activities. Students will learn the difference between long distance running and 100 meter sprinting.

On Thursday April 28th at 1pm, families are invited to the Quadra gym to watch the Intermediate concert (grade 3, 4 and 5's). Some of our grade 3 choir students will be performing! On Friday afternoon is our Jump Rope for Heart event, a fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The whole school will be outside jumping with skipping ropes. We invite you to come and join us!

Have a great week, Mme Garcin

Monday 25 April 2016

Grade 3 spelling: Thursday April 28th, 2016

1. pointing
2. boy
3. voice
4. oyster
5. voyage
6. loyal
7. joined
8. coin
9. choice
10. oily

Monday 18 April 2016

Week of Apr 18th - 21st, 2016

Chers familles de Division 6,

This week in French Language Arts, students are continuing to write their pen pal letters. Last week students learned how to write a negative sentence and they will continue to do apply this new knowledge. For example, they are applying the negative sentence structure when writing about whether or not their seed is germinating. Grade 2's with Mme Rolston will be learning to speak, read and write "About Me". For example, describing what they look like and their preferences. All students are reading daily in small group or individually. Daily home reading is also encouraged!

Both grade 2 and 3 students are continuing to participate in our National Math competition- Number Rumble! We are in the computer lab daily answering questions about numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, time and geometry. In grade 2 Math, students are beginning a geometry unit. Today they built 3-D geometric shapes with toothpicks and mini-marshmallows! Grade 3's are continuing their measurement unit. This week we will be measuring our height and a variety of classroom objects in centimeters and inches. We will keep our height measurements posted in class until June and re-measure ourselves to see who much we can grow in 3 months!

In Science today, students were excited to see their seeds germinating. Some already have roots. We are observing, drawing and recording these changes over time. In Social Studies, some students are finishing their talking sticks. We are having some important discussions about speaking and listening, especially taking turns. Students will bring home their talking sticks after their conference tomorrow and Wednesday. Mrs Bourque will be coming in again soon to do some more First Nations Art, hopefully this Friday. On Thursday, we will have a very special guest and experienced storyteller, Jennifer Ferris. She has a strong connection to the history of Vancouver Island and is able to engage young audiences with her stories.

In English, grade 3's this week are continuing to read and answers comprehension questions. Also, students who volunteer will be presenting their Flat Stanley Projects to the class. In PE, students are continuing weekly tennis lessons. We will also be going outside to take advantage of the nice weather by doing some track and field activities. Some of our grade 3's have signed up to participate in the annual track and field events offered to grade 3, 4 and 5's.

Please note, school is dismissed at 11:50 am Tuesday and Wednesday this week for student-led conferences. I look forward to seeing all of you there! Also, Friday is a Pro-D and therefore no school for students.

Enjoy the great weather,

Elise Garcin

Friday 15 April 2016

Grade 2 & 3 dictée: Thurs April 21st, 2016

Grade 2:

1. parler
2. qui
3. quatorze
4. tout le monde
5. toute
6. voilà
7. souvent
8. personne
9. lundi
10. le livre

Grade 3:

1. Je peux lire.
2. Tu peux écrire.
3. Jean peut nager.
4. Nous pouvons jouer.
5. Vous pouvez partager.
6. Elles peuvent grimper.

Monday 11 April 2016

Week of Apr 11th - 15th

Chers familles de Division 6,

This week in French Language Arts, students are learning to write a negative sentence which in French we call "la négation". This includes two parts 1) "ne" and 2) "pas". They always go before and after the verb. If the verb begins with a vowel, the e is dropped in the "ne" and becomes "n' " to avoid 2 vowels from being together. For example, "He is scared" becomes "He is not scared". In French this translates to "Il a peur" and "Il n'a pas peur". Today we read our pen pal letters from Doncaster and this week we'll being drafting our response letters. This is where we integrate many different grammar rules we are learning, such as subject verb agreements, masculine/feminine articles, singular/plural nouns, sentence structure, punctuation such as questions and exclamation marks and now negation. While grade 3's study English, grade 2's are doing a French novel study with Mme Roslton. This focuses on reading and reading comprehension strategies.

In Math, both grade 2's and 3's are participating in a Canada-wide math competition called Number Rumble! We are going to the computer lab once a day and this program includes questions about number recognition, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, money, word problems, geometry and time. You can go to and "try for free" to see what it's like. Grade 2's have started a measurement unit with Mme Roslton. In grade 3, students are learning how to measure the perimeter of regular and irregular shapes with a ruler using different units such as mm, cm, m and even inches.

In English, grade 3 students this week are putting their Flat Stanley Projects together and continuing to read short stories and answer in full sentences. In Science, students are germinating bean, tomato, cucumber and lettuce seeds. We hope they sprout by the time our student-led conferences begin next week! Today we talked about the 3 things our seeds will need to grow: soil, water and sun. In combination with Social Studies and Art, students are creating a talking stick and learning about the importance of listening and taking turns when speaking. We will learn the Aboriginal origins and use of the talking stick on Friday when new have a visit with Pamela Bourque, our Aboriginal learning support teacher.

In PE this week, we are learning more tennis skills, such as holding a racket, balancing a ball and hitting a ball. This is a great sport for developing hand-eye coordination.

Our term 3 library block is now on Thursday's, so please return or renew library books every Thursday morning from now until the end of June. Note that next week on Tues April 19th and 20th we have student-led conferences. School is dismissed at 11:50am on both these days. I will be sending home a confirmation time for your visit this week.

Looking ahead, our next field trip with be on the morning of Wednesday May 4th to the Victoria Art Gallery. Please submit $2.50 (or $5.00 to help sponsor another child in the class) by the end of this week. I am still looking for one volunteer to accompany us by bus, please email me if you can join us.

Thanks for your support at home and have a great week!

Mme Garcin

Friday 8 April 2016

Grade 3 spelling: Thursday April 14th, 2016

1. looked
2. good
3. brook
4. football
5. cookie
6. stood
7. full
8. put
9. food

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Week of April 5th - 8th 2016

mardi le 5 avril 2016

Dear Div 6 families,

This week in Language Arts, students are back into a routine with a dictée. New words and sentences were introduced today and students practice them once by writing them in their agendas and reading them out loud. They will practice their dictée again on Thursday, and the dictée this week is on Friday. In groups of two, one becomes the teacher and the other the student. Then they switch roles in practicing and correcting each other. Most students use mini chalk boards and chalk to practice their dictée (and some prefer paper and pencils). This helps them learn new vocabulary in a more fun and hands-on way. Students read on a daily basis and we will be finding a new term 3 weekly library visit towards the end of this week. Grade 2's are continuing a French novel study with Mme Rolston.

In English, grade 3's are handing in their Flat Stanley projects. They will also be continuing to read short stories and answering comprehension questions in full sentences. If time permits, the teacher will read some of Flat Stanley's other adventures that have been published as a whole series. Students are encouraged to borrow these short novels from the library!

In Math, grade 3 students are reviewing time, money, multiplication and fractions with the use of fun manipulatives such as mini-clocks, bingo, cards and foam pie pieces. If time permits, students will be given an introduction to calculating a perimeter. This is the part of our measurement unit for term 3. Grade 2's are continuing their program with Mme Rolston, which is reviewing addition strategies to 100 and starting subtraction to 100.

In combination with Art and Science, students are making owl art. Come see them in our classroom! Later this week, we will start to germinate seeds so that we can grow plants in the classroom using our rich worm bin soil. In Social Studies, we will soon be learning about local First Nations cultures with some visits of our Quadra Aboriginal liaison, Mrs Bourque. For example, we will soon be learning the art of listening and speaking by making creative talking sticks and talking about the importance of good communication.

Note your calendars that Friday is Twin Spirit day! If possible, please send a small (optional) cash donation to help raise money for local charity. Students care encouraged to find a friend at school to dress the same as.

Have a great week everyone,

Mme Garcin

Friday 1 April 2016

Grade 2 & 3 dictée: Thurs April 7th, 2016

* Important note: this dictée will now be on Friday, April 8th

Grade 2:

1.      l’eau

2.      un enfant

3.      fort

4.      forte

5.      le fruit

6.      un jeu

7.      le lait

8.      large

9.      une lettre

10.    une leçon

Grade 3: (grade 2’s can challenge this or some of them, if they are prepared to do it at the same time as their grade 2 dictée)

Verbe:  faire - to do/to make

1. Je fais un gâteau.

2. Tu fais de la natation.

3. Tout le monde fait un effort.

4. Nous faisons de la cuisine.

5. Vous faîtes de l’art.

6. Elles font pousser des plantes.