Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Week of April 25th - 29th

Chers familles de Division 6,

This week in French Language Arts, students are continuing to write their response letters to their Doncaster pen pals. In their responses, students are writing about their likes, asking and answering questions, and applying the writing skills they have learned so far this year. Students are also reading aloud what they have learned about Owls. They are also reading in small groups once a week and individually on a daily basis. Students are encouraged to continue their daily 10-15 minutes of reading at home and record it on their reading logs.

In Math, grade 3 students are continuing their measurement unit. Today students have learned the metric units from kilometer to millimeter. For example, how many meters are in a kilometer? They are also measuring objects in the classroom using different tools such as a meter stick, a ruler and a tape measure. In grade 2, students are continuing to learn about geometric shapes.

In English, grade 3's this week at continuing to develop their reading and comprehension skills. They are writing full sentence answers and applying the grammar they learned throughout the first and second term. By the way, the weekly spelling list is always posted at https://www.spellingcity.com/egarcin/. This is a fun way to practice spelling from home! Our weekly spelling test is on Thursday.

In Science this week students have observed, drawn and written about their seed germination. Many have planted their germinating seed. Later this week or next week, we will transfer our plants into small pots using the soil from our classroom worm bin compost. When students bring their vegetable plants home, make sure to place them indoors in a sunny window with plenty of water for a few weeks. Once they are about 1foot tall or bigger, they can be planted in a garden!

In PE, students are continuing their tennis lessons. Outside, we will also start doing some track activities. Students will learn the difference between long distance running and 100 meter sprinting.

On Thursday April 28th at 1pm, families are invited to the Quadra gym to watch the Intermediate concert (grade 3, 4 and 5's). Some of our grade 3 choir students will be performing! On Friday afternoon is our Jump Rope for Heart event, a fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The whole school will be outside jumping with skipping ropes. We invite you to come and join us!

Have a great week, Mme Garcin