Chers familles de Division 6,
This week in French Language Arts, students are continuing to write their pen pal letters. Last week students learned how to write a negative sentence and they will continue to do apply this new knowledge. For example, they are applying the negative sentence structure when writing about whether or not their seed is germinating. Grade 2's with Mme Rolston will be learning to speak, read and write "About Me". For example, describing what they look like and their preferences. All students are reading daily in small group or individually. Daily home reading is also encouraged!
Both grade 2 and 3 students are continuing to participate in our National Math competition- Number Rumble! We are in the computer lab daily answering questions about numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, time and geometry. In grade 2 Math, students are beginning a geometry unit. Today they built 3-D geometric shapes with toothpicks and mini-marshmallows! Grade 3's are continuing their measurement unit. This week we will be measuring our height and a variety of classroom objects in centimeters and inches. We will keep our height measurements posted in class until June and re-measure ourselves to see who much we can grow in 3 months!
In Science today, students were excited to see their seeds germinating. Some already have roots. We are observing, drawing and recording these changes over time. In Social Studies, some students are finishing their talking sticks. We are having some important discussions about speaking and listening, especially taking turns. Students will bring home their talking sticks after their conference tomorrow and Wednesday. Mrs Bourque will be coming in again soon to do some more First Nations Art, hopefully this Friday. On Thursday, we will have a very special guest and experienced storyteller, Jennifer Ferris. She has a strong connection to the history of Vancouver Island and is able to engage young audiences with her stories.
In English, grade 3's this week are continuing to read and answers comprehension questions. Also, students who volunteer will be presenting their Flat Stanley Projects to the class. In PE, students are continuing weekly tennis lessons. We will also be going outside to take advantage of the nice weather by doing some track and field activities. Some of our grade 3's have signed up to participate in the annual track and field events offered to grade 3, 4 and 5's.
Please note, school is dismissed at 11:50 am Tuesday and Wednesday this week for student-led conferences. I look forward to seeing all of you there! Also, Friday is a Pro-D and therefore no school for students.
Enjoy the great weather,
Elise Garcin