mercredi le 12 octobre, 2016
In French Language Arts this week students are learning about the phonetic sound è. Also spelled e, ê, ei, est, et, ets, ai, aie, ais, ait, aix and hai. These words are examined by looking at the dictée sentences and finding each of these sounds within a word. This week we begin our study of verbs in the present tense, starting with a review of avoir (to have) and être (to be). We will sing songs to help us remember how to conjugate these common irregular verbs. In writing this week, we will learn to create a short story plan using the following prompts: today (who, what, where and when), first (how), then (the problem) and finally (the solution). Students are continuing to read in small guided reading groups, 1 to 2 times per week. They also read independently in class every day for 10-20 minutes. It is encouraged that students read 15-20 minutes daily, in French at home.
In English Language Arts today students recited the English phonetic alphabet. This week we have started reading sentences and words with the short a vowel sound, such as cat and bat. In the classroom, there is a wide range of English reading materials. Students are reading English texts at their independent reading level at least once a week. Daily English reading at home is also recommended. Our spelling lists are based on the most common words (sight words). Our next spelling test will be on Thursday Oct 20th. The list will be sent home on Friday and they will also be posted here.
In Math, students are continuing to learn about place value up to 1000 using manipulatives, pictures, numbers and words. We are also reviewing how to add 3 numbers (eg. 5+3+2= __ ), how to fill-in a missing number (eg. 2 + __ = 5) and subtracting more than once (eg. 8-4-1=__ ). Now that basic addition and subtraction concepts have been reviewed, 2-digit addition and subtraction is next. Students will begin to learn the vertical stacking method using the borrowing strategy (that most of us learned in school). We will also learn to add and subtract using mental math strategies by breaking down and rounding numbers in groups of 5's and 10's.
Last week during our Science presentation, we learned about our Big Bang Theory, that the sun is made up of hydrogen and helium molecules, and that these molecules break down into atoms. We also learned that everything in our world is made up of 3 types of matter: solids, liquids and gases. This week we will look more closely at atoms and their parts (proton, neutron and electron) and how hydrogen and oxygen come together to make water (H20).
In Social Studies, students will continue to learn about virtues that complement the 7 First Nations teachings we have already discussed (honesty, truth, courage, wisdom, love, respect and humility). On Friday we will have our weekly unity circle where a virtues card is selected for discussion (for example, friendship). There is also an opportunity for each student to speak and be heard with the passing of a talking stick.
In Gym students will continue to practice throwing using various methods, such as overhand and underhand. Students will also work together in cooperative groups to create a game with rules and an objective using a wall and a ball.
Given that this week and next week are both short, this blog post covers our learning for two weeks. Please note, that next week school finishes at 11:50am on Tuesday Oct 18th and Wed Oct 19th. Friday Oct 21 is a PRO-D day, therefore no school next Friday.
I look forward to seeing many of you during parent/teacher meetings on the afternoons of Tuesday Oct 18th and Wednesday Oct 19th. Confirmation times were sent home today in student agendas. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Happy learning:) Mme Garcin