Chers familles de division 6,
In French Language Arts this week, students are practicing their oral language during our daily calendar question and answer period. Today, students also participated in a fun drama activity where they created and performed skits based on Halloween safety and trick-or-treating scenarios. A variety of reading activities are also happening on a daily basis. This week as a class and in small guided reading groups, we are looking for the phonetic sounds we have learned in our dictées so far : é (ed, ée, etc), è (ai, et, etc) and a (à, ah, etc). Each can be spelled in many different ways and we are learning to them find in our books and in our writing. In grammar this week, students are learning to conjugate two common irregular verbs in the present tense: faire (to do) and aller (to go). In writing, students are now correcting rough drafts and writing the final good copy of their adventure in our solar system.
In English we are continuing to learn how to read using a variety of strategies such as sounding out, chunking and using pictures. Our focus this week is to find the short e vowel sounds in a text. Students will also write a short story. While writing, they will refer to their personal common sight word dictionaries and be asked to apply grammar and build complete sentences with a subject and its predicate (complete an idea about the subject). Students will be showed how to sequence their ideas using words such as first, then, next and finally.
In Math, students are continuing to practice 2 and 3-digit addition and subtraction using a variety of strategies. Some students use manipulatives such as power of ten cards. Others use the carry-over and borrowing strategy. Some are breaking numbers into smaller chunks of 5's and 10's, while others are rounding up or down.
In Science this week, we will conduct experiments that illustrate thermal energy and 3 ways that heat can transfer: conduction (eg. holding a cup of hot water and feeling the heat through the cup), convection (eg. hot water rises, cold water sinks), and radiation (eg. an ice cubes melts in the sun). We will also be plating some flower bulbs outside on Thursday. We hope see them grow in the spring!
In Social Studies we will continue to look at the similarities and differences among Canadian First Nations cultures (eg Haida, Salish, Iroquois, etc). In particular, artwork, traditional homes, tools, weapons and clothing.
In Gym this week we will create cooperative games. Students will work in small groups using a variety of gym equipment. Today, Constable Craig visited our classroom to talk about Halloween safety before, during and after trick-or-treating. We are now very excited to get our costumes on!
Have a safe and spooky Halloween!
Mme Garcin