lundi, le 27 février 2017
Chers familles de division 6,
This week in French, students are continuing to learn the past tense, l'imparfait. We have started with the application of the verbs avoir (to have) and être (to be).
Tu avais
Il/Elle avait
Nous avions
Vous aviez
Ils/Elles avaient
Tu étais
Il/Elle était
Nous étions
Vous étiez
Ils/Elles étaient
Students are also practicing their dictée with the sounds c, k, qu (k) and sc (sk). They will also begin correcting their stories and writing a final corrected draft. These creative stories will be on display in May for our book and art show in the gym.
In English, we are continuing to read the book "Stuart Little", by EB White. We are now at chapter 3 and students are illustrating the events of the story as it unfolds. In Math this week, students are completing their term 2 booklets and will be preparing posters for our upcoming bake sale. Students will learn to save money, a math topic that is part of our new BC curriculum this year.
In Science, students are completing their dioramas and will be presenting them to other classes during an open house we are hosting on Wednesday afternoon. Students will prepare themselves for explaining their chosen food chain and habitat. In Social studies this week, we will resume our study of the Canadian provinces, territories and their capital cities.
In PE this week, students are continuing to prepare a special creative dance that many of them have contributed their ideas to. We do not have access to the gym this week, but we do a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity every day. This includes movement games in the classroom and outdoors.
Monday afternoon there is a performance by "Les Bucherons" in the gym. Students will learn to sing many traditional French Canadians song.! By the way, after this dictée on Thursday, there will be no more spelling or dictée before spring break.
Have a wonderful week everyone! Mme Garcin
Monday, 27 February 2017
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Dictée: jeudi, le 2 mars 2017
c (k), sc (sk)
1. Monieur Scorpion joue de la musique.
2. Quatre jours par semaine, il pratique.
3. Il cherche un copain pour s'amuser.
4. Mais Monieur Martien fait du karaté.
5. Il n'a pas le temps de jouer.
Parents, please note, this is the last dictée before spring break.
1. Monieur Scorpion joue de la musique.
2. Quatre jours par semaine, il pratique.
3. Il cherche un copain pour s'amuser.
4. Mais Monieur Martien fait du karaté.
5. Il n'a pas le temps de jouer.
Parents, please note, this is the last dictée before spring break.
Monday, 20 February 2017
Week of Feb 20 - 23, 2017
lundi le 20 février, 2017
Chers familles de division 6,
In French this week, students will begin to correct the draft of their current stories. Students will also be introduced to the past tense "'imparfait". This tense is different from the passé composé because it is used to describe past events, states of being or habits. It is similar to the English past progressive and is often used with avoir and être. L'imparfait verb tense can be used in the same story and even the same sentence as the passé compose verb tense. For example, "Hier je marchais au magasin et j'ai vu un chat" (Yesterday I was walking (imparfait) to the store and I saw (passé compose) a cat. Guided reading groups this week will focus on how and when to identify a liaison, which is the pronunciation of a final consonant of a word or an added sound (for example in English we say "an orange" instead of "a orange" because it sounds better). When reading in French, most last consonants are not pronounced, for example "grand", the last d is silent. However, when the following word begins with a vowel, there is an added liaison sound, for example "les grands éléphants", is pronounced "les gran-z-éléphants". Therefore, we will continue to practice the liaison throughout the year in order to become more fluent when reading and with our oral language.
In English we have started reading the novel "Stuart Little" by E.B. White. We will read this together and work on reading, phrasing, expression and intonation. While we read,we are also discussing punctuation, grammar, parts of speech and the meaning of words. Students are creating a visual event sequence so that they can later re-tell the story in their own words. All students are encouraged to practice their English spelling words (posted here last week). The spelling test is on Thursday and the words are also available with free games at
In Math this week, students are doing word problems and learning how to answer it with an equation and a complete sentence. They are also continuing to practice adding/subtracting money, multiplication and division. We will also discuss different ways to earn and save money.
In Science and Art, students are continuing to build their habitat dioramas. Upon completion, they will be on display for about a week and other classrooms will be invited to come view their creations. On Wednesday, the Sierra Club is coming for a special interactive and hands-on presentation about ecosystems. Once our habitat unit is complete, we will continue our study of Canadian provinces and territories.
In PE, students continue to create and practice a dance they will perform at our next concert. Students are also continuing to learn some traditional French Canadian songs, for example "L'arbre est dans ses feuilles". These songs teach us traditional French Canadian stories, culture and dance.
Please note that there is no school this Friday, February 24. Have a great weekend!
Mme Garcin
Chers familles de division 6,
In French this week, students will begin to correct the draft of their current stories. Students will also be introduced to the past tense "'imparfait". This tense is different from the passé composé because it is used to describe past events, states of being or habits. It is similar to the English past progressive and is often used with avoir and être. L'imparfait verb tense can be used in the same story and even the same sentence as the passé compose verb tense. For example, "Hier je marchais au magasin et j'ai vu un chat" (Yesterday I was walking (imparfait) to the store and I saw (passé compose) a cat. Guided reading groups this week will focus on how and when to identify a liaison, which is the pronunciation of a final consonant of a word or an added sound (for example in English we say "an orange" instead of "a orange" because it sounds better). When reading in French, most last consonants are not pronounced, for example "grand", the last d is silent. However, when the following word begins with a vowel, there is an added liaison sound, for example "les grands éléphants", is pronounced "les gran-z-éléphants". Therefore, we will continue to practice the liaison throughout the year in order to become more fluent when reading and with our oral language.
In English we have started reading the novel "Stuart Little" by E.B. White. We will read this together and work on reading, phrasing, expression and intonation. While we read,we are also discussing punctuation, grammar, parts of speech and the meaning of words. Students are creating a visual event sequence so that they can later re-tell the story in their own words. All students are encouraged to practice their English spelling words (posted here last week). The spelling test is on Thursday and the words are also available with free games at
In Math this week, students are doing word problems and learning how to answer it with an equation and a complete sentence. They are also continuing to practice adding/subtracting money, multiplication and division. We will also discuss different ways to earn and save money.
In Science and Art, students are continuing to build their habitat dioramas. Upon completion, they will be on display for about a week and other classrooms will be invited to come view their creations. On Wednesday, the Sierra Club is coming for a special interactive and hands-on presentation about ecosystems. Once our habitat unit is complete, we will continue our study of Canadian provinces and territories.
In PE, students continue to create and practice a dance they will perform at our next concert. Students are also continuing to learn some traditional French Canadian songs, for example "L'arbre est dans ses feuilles". These songs teach us traditional French Canadian stories, culture and dance.
Please note that there is no school this Friday, February 24. Have a great weekend!
Mme Garcin
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Spelling: Test on Thursday February 23, 2017
1. pick
2. play
3. please
4. pretty
5. pull
6. put
7. quiet
8. quite
9. ran
10. read
11. red
12. ride
13. right
14. round
15. run
Challenge sentence: Can we paly and run on the quiet red carpet, pretty pleases?
2. play
3. please
4. pretty
5. pull
6. put
7. quiet
8. quite
9. ran
10. read
11. red
12. ride
13. right
14. round
15. run
Challenge sentence: Can we paly and run on the quiet red carpet, pretty pleases?
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Week of Feb 14 - 17, 2017
mardi le 14 février, 2017
Joyeuse St-Valentin!
In French Language Arts this week, students are continuing to write the draft of their fictional story. We are also going to look at our dictée sentences in detail, which include words with the sound "ou", such as iglou (igloo), loups (wolves) and choux (cabbage). In our guided reading groups, we will look for these sounds in our books. Our "Show and Tell" continues this week, where students are learning to ask, reply and describe the items on display, which is a fun way to develop oral language.
In Math this week, students will create a store with classroom objects for sale and paper money. They will learn to pay in exact change (add money) and to give change (subtract money). We will also do a review of time (how to read a 24 hour clock).
In Science and Art, students have started their habitat dioramas. So far they've painted their backgrounds. This week they will work from the background to the foreground by adding landforms, plants, animals, birds and reptiles using paper, colours, string, modeling clay and natural materials from outside.
In gym, students are continuing to practice and create a dance. We will also be doing some yoga (stretching). In preparation for a live performance next week of "Les Bûcherons", this week we are learning some French Canadian songs!
Have a wonderful week everyone! Mme Garcin
Joyeuse St-Valentin!
In French Language Arts this week, students are continuing to write the draft of their fictional story. We are also going to look at our dictée sentences in detail, which include words with the sound "ou", such as iglou (igloo), loups (wolves) and choux (cabbage). In our guided reading groups, we will look for these sounds in our books. Our "Show and Tell" continues this week, where students are learning to ask, reply and describe the items on display, which is a fun way to develop oral language.
In Math this week, students will create a store with classroom objects for sale and paper money. They will learn to pay in exact change (add money) and to give change (subtract money). We will also do a review of time (how to read a 24 hour clock).
In Science and Art, students have started their habitat dioramas. So far they've painted their backgrounds. This week they will work from the background to the foreground by adding landforms, plants, animals, birds and reptiles using paper, colours, string, modeling clay and natural materials from outside.
In gym, students are continuing to practice and create a dance. We will also be doing some yoga (stretching). In preparation for a live performance next week of "Les Bûcherons", this week we are learning some French Canadian songs!
Have a wonderful week everyone! Mme Garcin
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Dictée: jeudi, le 16 février 2017
These following sounds are all pronounced oo, as in oolong tea.
ou, oud, ouds, oue, ouls, oup, ous, out, oux, oo
1. Sur la toundra je vois un igloo.
2. Il est fait de neige et de cailloux.
3. J'entre par un grand trou.
4. Je fais une soupe de choux.
5. J'écoute la chanson des loups.
ou, oud, ouds, oue, ouls, oup, ous, out, oux, oo
1. Sur la toundra je vois un igloo.
2. Il est fait de neige et de cailloux.
3. J'entre par un grand trou.
4. Je fais une soupe de choux.
5. J'écoute la chanson des loups.
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Week of Feb 6 - 9, 2017
lundi le 6 février, 2017
This week in French, students are focusing on writing a rough draft of a story that illustrates the prints they created in art a few weeks ago. They are asked to use reference materials, use words they know from dictées, use the past and/or present verb tenses, and apply grammar and punctuation learned so far. The story structure includes an introduction with the when, who and where. Followed by a problem, solution and an ending.
In English, students are studying for their spelling test on Thursday. In Math, students are reviewing their X and ÷ fact families of single digit multiplication and division using power of ten cards, bingo and a worksheet. If time permits, they will create their own graph based on a topic of personal interest and by doing a class survey.
In Science, students are continuing to learn about habitats, food chains and food webs. Today students researched a list of plants and animals and their associated habitats. In preparation for the creation of a habitat diorama, they are also bringing in craft materials and a shoebox. In combination with Social Studies and Art, students are completing their stone Inukshuks. This artwork and their Chinese lanterns will be coming home at the end of the week.
In PE, students have their weekly dance class where they are creating their own dance! They will also be participating in movement activities in the classroom and some fun outdoor snow play:) Please note, there is no school on Friday, Feb 10th and Monday, Feb 13th.
I wish you all a wonderful week and family weekend ahead,
Mme Garcin
This week in French, students are focusing on writing a rough draft of a story that illustrates the prints they created in art a few weeks ago. They are asked to use reference materials, use words they know from dictées, use the past and/or present verb tenses, and apply grammar and punctuation learned so far. The story structure includes an introduction with the when, who and where. Followed by a problem, solution and an ending.
In English, students are studying for their spelling test on Thursday. In Math, students are reviewing their X and ÷ fact families of single digit multiplication and division using power of ten cards, bingo and a worksheet. If time permits, they will create their own graph based on a topic of personal interest and by doing a class survey.
In Science, students are continuing to learn about habitats, food chains and food webs. Today students researched a list of plants and animals and their associated habitats. In preparation for the creation of a habitat diorama, they are also bringing in craft materials and a shoebox. In combination with Social Studies and Art, students are completing their stone Inukshuks. This artwork and their Chinese lanterns will be coming home at the end of the week.
In PE, students have their weekly dance class where they are creating their own dance! They will also be participating in movement activities in the classroom and some fun outdoor snow play:) Please note, there is no school on Friday, Feb 10th and Monday, Feb 13th.
I wish you all a wonderful week and family weekend ahead,
Mme Garcin
Friday, 3 February 2017
Spelling: test on Thursday February 9, 2017
1. never
2. new
3. no
4. not
5. now
6. of
7. off
8. old
9. on
10. once
11. one
12. only
13. open
14. our
15. out
Challenge sentence: I like to open new or old cards only.
2. new
3. no
4. not
5. now
6. of
7. off
8. old
9. on
10. once
11. one
12. only
13. open
14. our
15. out
Challenge sentence: I like to open new or old cards only.
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