mardi le 14 février, 2017
Joyeuse St-Valentin!
In French Language Arts this week, students are continuing to write the draft of their fictional story. We are also going to look at our dictée sentences in detail, which include words with the sound "ou", such as iglou (igloo), loups (wolves) and choux (cabbage). In our guided reading groups, we will look for these sounds in our books. Our "Show and Tell" continues this week, where students are learning to ask, reply and describe the items on display, which is a fun way to develop oral language.
In Math this week, students will create a store with classroom objects for sale and paper money. They will learn to pay in exact change (add money) and to give change (subtract money). We will also do a review of time (how to read a 24 hour clock).
In Science and Art, students have started their habitat dioramas. So far they've painted their backgrounds. This week they will work from the background to the foreground by adding landforms, plants, animals, birds and reptiles using paper, colours, string, modeling clay and natural materials from outside.
In gym, students are continuing to practice and create a dance. We will also be doing some yoga (stretching). In preparation for a live performance next week of "Les Bûcherons", this week we are learning some French Canadian songs!
Have a wonderful week everyone! Mme Garcin