Monday, 27 February 2017

Week of Feb 27 - Mar 3, 2017

lundi, le 27 février 2017

Chers familles de division 6,

This week in French, students are continuing to learn the past tense, l'imparfait. We have started with the application of the verbs avoir (to have) and être (to be).


Tu avais
Il/Elle avait
Nous avions
Vous aviez
Ils/Elles avaient


Tu étais
Il/Elle était
Nous étions
Vous étiez
Ils/Elles étaient

Students are also practicing their dictée with the sounds c, k, qu (k) and sc (sk). They will also begin correcting their stories and writing a final corrected draft. These creative stories will be on display in May for our book and art show in the gym.

In English, we are continuing to read the book "Stuart Little", by EB White. We are now at chapter 3 and students are illustrating the events of the story as it unfolds. In Math this week, students are completing their term 2 booklets and will be preparing posters for our upcoming bake sale. Students will learn to save money, a math topic that is part of our new BC curriculum this year.

In Science, students are completing their dioramas and will be presenting them to other classes during an open house we are hosting on Wednesday afternoon. Students will prepare themselves for explaining their chosen food chain and habitat. In Social studies this week, we will resume our study of the Canadian provinces, territories and their capital cities.

In PE this week, students are continuing to prepare a special creative dance that many of them have contributed their ideas to. We do not have access to the gym this week, but we do a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity every day. This includes movement games in the classroom and outdoors.

Monday afternoon there is a performance by "Les Bucherons" in the gym. Students will learn to sing many traditional French Canadians song.! By the way, after this dictée on Thursday, there will be no more spelling or dictée before spring break.

Have a wonderful week everyone! Mme Garcin