Monday, 29 May 2017

Week of May 29 - June 2, 2017

lundi le 29 mai, 2017

Chers familles de division 6,

This week in French Language Arts, students are reading their new Doncaster pen pal letters. They will read it to themselves and to each other. We are also reading a short play called "Le petit chaperon vert" (Little Green Riding Hood). Both of these activities are helping students practice reading aloud skills such as fluency, tone, volume and phrasing. Students are also practicing their last French dictée with the phonème "ch" (pronounced that same in English). Later in the week (if time permits), or next week, the future tense will be introduced.

In Math this week, students are beginning a geometry unit. We are starting with 2D shapes and their names (for example, triangle, square, hexagon, parallelogram, ect). We will learn to describe, sort and compare them using their properties such as number of sides and vertices (or angles).

In English this week, students are continuing their plot diagram of Stuart Little. We have discussed the introduction (or exposition), the rising actions, the climax, the falling actions and the end (or resolution). Students are writing sentences for each of these parts of the story, in chronological order. Applying grammar, spelling and verbs to their sentences are also an important part of this exercise.

In Science this week, students are continuing to learn about many different land forms and how they are created (for example, oceans, rivers, deserts, mountains, ect). Each students will choose a land form and create a small model using modelling clay, along with a short written description.

In Social Studies this week, students are asked to find out a province or country of origin their family is most connected to. We will post a world map in our classroom that shows the multicultural background of all the students. This week and next week, students are invited to bring a family cultural artifact to share with the class, for example traditional clothing, music, art or food. This item can also be shared at our whole-school multicultural event in mid-June. More information about this whole-school event came home on a yellow form, which can be completed and brought with the artifact.

In PE this week, students had tennis today. They learned and practiced their overhand serve and volleying the ball back and forth. Later this week, students will also continue to practice their ball handling skills with soccer balls, followed by a game. In Art this week, we will continue our self-portraits. Also, as mentioned above, in combination with Science and Art, we will create land forms using modelling clay.

Have a wonderful week everyone! Mme Garcin