lundi le 8 mai, 2017
Chers familles de division 6,
In French Language Arts this week we are reviewing the past verb tense "passé composé". Many of the verbs in last week's dictée were in this tense, so this is a good opportunity to review it. It is a tricky one because there are two parts. The first is the auxiliary (or helping verb) which is the present tense of the verbs to be (avoir) or to have (être). The second part is the verb in the past participle of the verb being conjugated in the past. For example, if you are conjugating "to play" in the passé composé you would say: Hier j'ai joué dehors. Students are reading aloud the stories they have just completed. Reading aloud personal writing helps students develop confidence, public speaking skills, listening skills and reading for meaning. These stories will be on display in the Quadra gym for families and friends on Thursday evening from 6-7pm.
In English this week, students are continuing their Stuart Little book report. In addition to answering questions about the story (who, what, where, when, why), they will also learn to create a plot diagram using sentences they create based on the events they illustrated from each chapter. If time permits, we will finish watching the Stuart Little movie. Afterwards, we will compare the similarities and differences between the book and movie. Were the main characters the same? Were the order of events and/or problem the same?
In Math, students are using manipulatives to feel the weight of 1 kilogram (km) versus 1 gram (g). They are comparing these weights to other objects in the class that vary in size and shape. If something is larger in size, does it mean it is heavier? Students are also weighing themselves using pounds, kg, and converting their weight from kg to g (times 1000) and from kg to pounds (times 2.2). This is a good opportunity to introduce 2 and 3 digit multiplication for grade 4. Next week we will be moving onto measuring volume with liquids. This will tie in nicely with in combination with Social Studies and math by comparing a traditional versus a healthy bannock recipe (white flour and lard alternatives).
In Science this week we will go outside to look for signs of erosion.We did not have time to do this activity last week. Our guiding question will be: how were the rock formations on the back field formed? Are they a result of air, water or ice deposition? Students will be asked to choose one and describe how they think it happened. We will also explore some of the new natural outdoor features near this back rocky area and talk about ways we can use this space for more outdoor learning!
In PE this week, students continued their outdoor tennis lessons. They are getting very good at their forehand! The games and drills they do are designed to help with ball control and direction. Track activities will also continue this week on the back field. In Art this week, students are doing a TOP SECRET project, which will be coming home for this special weekend!
Happy, sunny learning everyone, Mme Garcin