Monday, 22 February 2016

Week of Feb 22nd - 26th 2016

Dear Div 6 families,

As term 2 comes to an end, our focus this week is in Language Arts and Math. In Oral Language, students will share their observations and impressions of our special field trip to the Victoria Symphony Orchestra at the University of Victoria auditorium today (Monday). Students are continuing to read, share and correct our stories into a final draft. We will practice out dictée at least once and guided reading groups will continue in the afternoons. In grammar we are reviewing the present tense of the verbs avoir (to have) and être (to be). Later in the week will we also review aller (to go) and the regular -er verb manger (to eat). Here they are listed below for easy practice and review at home.


Tu as
Il/Elle a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ils/Elles ont


Je suis
Tu es
Il/Elle est
Nous sommes
Vous êtes
Ils/Elle sont


Je vais
Tu vas
Il/Elle va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils/Elles vont


Je mange
Tu manges
Il/Elle mange
Nous mangeons
Vous mangez
Ils/Elle mangent

In Math, Grade 2's are adding and subtracting numbers to 100 using ten blocks. In Grade 3, students are continuing to learn how to read a 24 hours clock, count money and review multiplication and division. As term 2 comes to an end, we will have a quiz later this week covering these 4 topics. Math booklets will be coming home soon. Students who complete and correct these at home and have parents check them, can return them to school for a sticker.

In English, Grade 3's will continue to develop their reading comprehension and fluency skills through our novel study and by reading on their RAZ Kids online programs. In grammar, students will continue to learn about adverbs and be introduced to helping verbs. Students will practice writing and building simple and compound sentences with all the important parts of speech they have been learning throughout the term.

By combining Social Studies and Art, students are completing their Inuksuks this week and putting them on display in the classroom . We will have an art appreciation activity so that students can provide detailed positive feedback about each others art.

Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day, also known as anti-bullying day. This is an opportunity to celebrate  and discuss each others differences and promote positive relationships. Thursday morning we have a school assembly, therefore students are invited to wear pink on both Wednesday and Thursday!

Have a colorful week! Mme Garcin