Monday, 15 February 2016

Week of February 15th - 18th 2016

Chers familles de Division 6,

In French Language Arts this week, students are continuing to share and read the stories they have written. Students who are volunteering to share their stories are modelling public speaking skills such as a loud, clear voice, eye contact and an open posture. We will also reviewing common French writing mistakes made with grammar, punctuation spelling and sentence structure using our overhead projector. Students can then write their final drafts so that we can make a classroom book of our adventure stories! In reading, students are continuing guided reading groups based on their reading levels.

In English, grade 3's are preparing for their spelling test this Thursday. These students are encouraged to go on for practice. Grade 2's are welcome to challenge the spelling test from now on. They will be marked, but marks will not be counted on report cards. For reading practice, grade 3's are also encouraged to log onto their Raz Kids student account on a regular basis. Once we finish our group novel study of Stuart Little, we will be doing more independent reading that will be followed by comprehension questions. Reading, reading and reading is the single most important thing students can do at home to support their learning at home. In grammar this week, we will review adverbs.

In Math this week, grade 2's are learning to add and subtract 8. Grade 3's are continuing to learn how to read a 24 hour clock and count money. We are now nearing the end of term 2, therefore grade 3's will be bringing home their term 2 multiplication and division booklets soon. Some have corrections and incomplete pages. If students are able to complete/correct them and parents are able to check that they are, students can return them before spring break for a sticker.

In Social Studies, students will continue to learn how to use reference materials such as atlases and maps in order to find information. Some will be completing their report on a chosen Canadian province by finding and illustrating its various symbols. In Science, students are sharing what they learned on our plant tour with Mark Albany. Students are given time to share their work in order to promote oral language and further develop public speaking skills.

In Art last week, we started our Inuit Inuksuks by painting our stones. This week we will talk about virtues that are important to us and write one on each of our stones. Finally, we will glue them together to create a unique and personal piece of art. In PE last week, all students participated in the PISE program in the gym. Students were practicing their running, stopping, jumping and balancing skills. Students also did a self-reflection of their physical abilities. These will be included in term 2 report cards.

Please note that for the next two weeks, being on-time and present at school will be important as we do review and assessments of our term 2 topics. School supplies are running low. Pencils, erasers and an enclosed pencils sharpener is something most students currently need (no mechanical pencils please). Also, mark your calendars- there is no school this Friday, February 19th for our monthly Pro-D.

On Monday February 22nd, in the afternoon, we will be going by school bus to UVIC for a Victoria Symphony concert field trip. I am still looking for one more parent to join us. If you can volunteer, please email me.

Many thanks for all your support at home!

Mme Garcin