Monday 7 October 2013

Week of October 8th-12th

lundi le 8 octobre, 2013


October is already here and we are doing all sorts of fun fall activities! We have been taking nature walks, collecting and drying leaves and learning about the colours yellow and brown. Today we traced our dried leaves and wrote our names with cheerios. We also looked at different kinds of patterns we find in our environment and began counting all the way up to 20 in French. We are also going to continue practicing our French alphabet and letter sounds.

I have added an October calendar in each student's duotang. It includes fun 'homework' activities for every day of the month. This is optional, but please do a star or check mark if your child is doing it. This can really help complement and solidify what they are learning in school, at home and in their community.

Many students in the class are expressing interest in having a blanket for quiet time. If your child would like to bring a SMALL blanket or towel to school, they are more than welcome.

This week is brown week! Many of our activities will be related to this theme. Every Tuesday is library week (students are showing a keen interest in their books!) Please help remind your child to return their book Tuesday morning, otherwise they have to wait until the following Tuesday to borrow. On Friday we have a special recycling presentation from CRD parks. Students are learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle!

Take care everyone,  Mme Elise