Monday 24 February 2014

Week of Feb 24th - 28th

lundi le 24 fév, 2014

Chers familles de division 16,

In Language Arts this week students are strongly encouraged to begin saying the French words and phrases they have been learning - in class and outside of school whenever possible. Do you have French speaking family, relatives or neighbors your child can speak with? See last week's blog entry for some of the phrases we have been practicing. You can also use google translate for the following phrases: Bonjour, comment ça va? Ça va bien? Ça va mal? Est-ce que je peux aller au toilettes? Je dois aller aux toilettes. Oui. Non. Merci. S'il vous plaît. De rien. Au revoir. J'aime... , Je vois..., Voila..., Pourquoi? Parce- ce que... . Our letter of the week is N and n. Now that our fine motor skills are developing, we are learning to write letters carefully on solid and dotted lines. In particular, we are learning that the lower case g, j, p, q and y go "in the basement" of the house (basement being below the line).

In math this week, we are continuing to review counting by 1's up to 30, and by 10 up to 100. In Science we are continuing sound and beginning our 5th and last sense, sight. In Social Studies we are exploring the different types of families we have and learning where our families come from on a globe and a world map.

In Physical Education (PE), we are playing with the gymnastics and climbing equipment. We are also learning hand eye coordination with hockey and badminton equipment in our centers. Students are also learning to express themselves physically by acting out emotions to the beat of a drum. For example, emotions we are learning are: content, triste, frustré, excité, étonné.

Have another wonderful week! Mme Elise