Monday 24 March 2014

Week of March 24th - 28th

lundi, le 24 mars 2014

Bonjour, our third term has begun! This week we are reviewing classroom routines and positive school behavior. In Language Arts we are continuing to learn vowel sounds and hand gestures that complement them. We are studying the letter P and p, as well as reviewing all the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make when we read them.

In Math we are reviewing how to count up to 30 by 1s and up to 100 by 10s. During our calendar time, we are reviewing additional vocabulary such as days of the week, months of the year, weather terms (sunny, raining, cloudy and snowy) and how to say the date in a full sentence. Colours and numbers (up to 10) will also be reviewed through art activities.

In Science this week we are completing our final five senses project. It is a tri-fold paper that integrates art, science and writing. This will be one of the many projects students will have on display at our student/parent/teacher conference coming up on the afternoon of April 23rd.

Today we had a special visit from the ParticipACTION Play Funmobile, a program designed to bring back play by encouraging us to turn off our TV's and go outside. The program came to Quadra with skipping ropes, bean bags, hoola hoops, balls and even wheelchairs. Mme Elise also showed students how to play hop-scotch. You can view their website at for more fun outdoor play activities.

To continue our promotion of physical activity, our weekly Thursday walks (10:30 -11:30am) will continue this week. We always need at least one parent volunteer to leave school grounds. If you can volunteer this Thursday or any other Thursday please email or call me in advance, thank you!

Have a wonderful week, Mme Elise