Monday 7 April 2014

Week of Apr 7th - 11th

lundi le 7 avril, 2014

Bonjour les familles de division 16,

In Language Arts, our letter this week is R and r. We will familiarize ourselves with this beautiful Frrrench letter by singing it in our alphabet song, reading it in our morning messages, listening to it during story times (and at the listening center), and by writing it in our journals. For example, our journal entry this week is : Bonjour. Je m'appelle ______. J'aime....manger/jouer. (Hello. My name is _____. I eat/to play....).

In Math we are continuing to learn the words avant (before) and après (after) when sequencing and learning numbers in isolation up to 30. We will also begin measuring and comparing lengths of various objects in the room using non-standard units (blocks, feet, hands, pencils, erasers, etc).

In Science we are beginning to explore new plant and animal vocabulary by integrating them in our Language Arts activities (for example: une fleure= flower, l'herbe= grass, le gazon= lawn, un oiseau= bird, un chat- cat, un chien= dog, une vache= cow, etc) . In Health and Career we are also learning new food vocabulary and integrating that into our healthy eating and exercising activities (for example: les fruits= fruits, les légumes=vegetables, une pomme= apple, les carottes= carrots, etc). By the way, please help your child remember to fill out their April "Crunchy Cards" each time they eat a fruit or vegetable and do 15 minutes or more of exercise!

On Tuesday afternoon we have an exciting First Nations cultural presentation by Teddy the Hoop Dancer in our gym. To learn more about Teddy's inspiring message of unity among all people, you can view his website here:  On Thursday we will have our school counselor coming in to read a very special book called Lifetimes: A Beautiful Way to Explain Life and Death to Children, by Bryan Mellonie. This book will be followed by a thoughtful discussion and a sharing circle.

Have are wonderful week everyone, Mme Elise