Monday 5 May 2014

Week of May 5th - 9th

lundi le 5 mai 2014

Bonjour! This week students will be getting homes ready for our incoming crawly critters. We are preparing a worm bin for our "red wiggler" worms. We will watch them eat our food craps and learn to love and appreciate them as they create rich and fertile soil for our plants.  We are also getting butterfly lavae this week! We will observe them in a homemade netting as they transform from caterpillar to buttterfly. We will learn their important role as pollinators in our ecosystem. Many Language and Art activities will be centered around these themes. Our letter this week is V and v.

In Math we are now completing our measuring unit and will begin learning about 3-D shapes. In groups of two today we measured the length of our foot using cubes. Students will now compare their foot length with their peers. Students are also learning new Math games with Power of Ten cards to help solidify new concepts. For example, bigger (plus grand) and smaller (plus petit), as well as basic addition up to 10.
On Wednesday evening school administrators have organized a special evening for Quadra families. The Student Book Show Case event is at the school from 6:00-7:00pm. Division 16 student books on display will be the 5 Senses Science projects that some of you may have seen at the Student Led Conferences. Come and meet other families and see the writing talent of Quadra students!

Have an excellent week! Mme Elise