Monday 5 January 2015

Week of Jan 5th - 9th

Chers famillies,

I hope you've all had some time to relax during the holiday! This week in French Language Arts, students are learning to identify and conjugate the irregular verb être (to be) and avoir (to have). We will use manipulatives and songs to help us learn and memorize these unique verbs.

Être                                      Avoir

Je suis                             J'ai
Tu es                               Tu as
Il/Elle/On est                  Il/Elle a
Nous sommes                 Nous avons
Vous êtes                         Vous avez
Ils/Elle sont                     Ils/Elles ont

Today we read the audio book Blanche Neige (Snow White) where we found many examples of irregular verbs in the present tense. We will also learn to conjugate these verbs in sentences and apply them to our writing exercises. Orally, students have shared what they did during the holiday and will be writing about their adventures in their journals. In English Language Arts, students are practicing their spelling. Later in the week, we will learn to find parts of speech within a text (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, etc).

In Math this week, students will continue learning division up to 10. We have also begun counting money and how to read a 24 hour clock during our morning calendar. In the coming weeks, we will also do some occasional review of addition, subtraction and multiplication using word problems.

In Science next week we will start our structure building unit. Students will learn to build solid structures using various kinds of materials and techniques. In Social Studies, we'll continue with our mapping unit by learning the continents and by exploring how Indigenous and Europeans first arrived to North America. In Physical Education (PE) we will continue floor hockey and other team building activities in the gym.

Pool permission forms have gone home today for our Friday, January 16th visit to Crystal Pool next week. If you can volunteer, please indicate on the form, thank you in advance! Also, scholastic forms have gone home. If you would like to place an order, please return by Friday, January 16th.

Have a wonderful week! Mme Garcin