Monday 20 April 2015

Week of Apr 20th - 24th

lundi le 20 avril, 2015

Students this week are continuing to learn and apply the past verb tenses: passé composé and imparfait. We will do a variety of oral and written activities to help us make sense of these past verb tenses. We will also be doing some small group reading and comprehension exercises, as well as read our Doncaster pen pal letters that will arrive tomorrow!

In English, students will finish presenting their Powerpoint paragraphs and sentences. We are explicitly working on, oral speaking skills (voice volume, tone, speed and body language), as well as our sentence and paragraph structure (such as parts of speech, commas, punctuation, meaning and structure).

In Math this week, students are continuing to learn how to calculate the perimeter of a regular and irregular shape. We are also learning the various names and parts of 2D and 3D shapes, such as edges (les côtés) and vertices (les sômmets) and faces (les faces). With this vocabulary, we are learning to describe and sort geometric shapes. Today, students were challenged to learn the order of operations, which you may know as BEDMAS (brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition and subtraction). Although they have not yet learned about exponents (because BEDMAS is usually taught in later grades), some students are beginning to do worksheets with +/-, and +/x, for example: (210-190)-(203-110).

In Science this week, our seeds have started to germinate and we are recording the process in great detail! Once we have 22 that have sprouted, we will plant them into small containers. We are learning a lot of vocabulary, such as the primary and secondary roots (la racine principale et secondaire), the stem (la tige), the leaves (les feuilles), the bud (le bourgeon). When recording our observations in French, we are also working on sentence structure, grammar and punctuation.

In Social Studies, students are learning Canadian geography. This includes, lakes, rivers, mountains, provinces, territories and their capitals. Students need to start thinking about which province they would like to do a tri-fold bulleting project about. Details of this project will be going home soon.

In Art, students will soon start to make and create a small, bilingual book, which will be called "If I were 100" (Si j'avais cent ans). In PE, we are continuing to practice our dance routine in the gym and sometimes outside! We also share a PE block with Mr James' English grade 3 class. We have been playing bench ball and dodge ball. These games help us to not only stay active, but also to learn how to play as a team and apply game strategies.

Note that on Wednesday, students are dismissed at 11:50am. Student - led conferences will be taking place in the classroom from 1:00pm-6:00pm. Please arrive and leave at your 30 minute scheduled time. You and your child will have a checklist of activities to do together upon arrival. Your child will be prepared to show you his/her learning.

Bonne semaine ! Mme Garcin