Thursday 8 October 2015

Dictée Oct 15 and Spelling Oct 22

This dictée is on Thursday October 15th.

Note for parents: the œ letter combination in French is called "e dans l'o", literally the "e in the o". Generally, it is pronounced "eu" before a vowel, and "é" before a consonant. Also, when practicing, students are asked to carefully remember that sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in a period. Please emphasize this at home whenever the opportunity arises.

Grade 2 dictée:

1. belle
2. il y a
3. deux
4. ils
5. ma sœur

Ma sœur est très belle.

Grade 3 dicée:

1. La peinture est belle.
2. Il y a des élèves ici.
3. Deux élèves jouent ensemble.
4. Ils aiment jouer.
5. Ma sœur est très belle.

Grade 3 spelling on Thursday, October 22nd.

1. pitch
2. drink
3. swim
4. life
5. while
6. I
7. my
8. light
9. buy
10. eye