Friday 17 October 2014

Dictée for next week

vendredi le 17 octobre, 2014
Here is the dictée for next week. It will be on Thursday, October 23rd. Please help your child practice this as often as possible throughout the week (without looking!) by writing the full sentences in their blue practice booklet that was sent home last week. This week our sound can be written in many ways (è, e, ê, ei, est, et ets, ai, aie ,ais ait, aix and hai). In English this sounds like ai in air. Good luck! 
1. Le zèbre est une bête rayée.
2. Il est noir et blanc.
3. Le zèbre aime le soleil.
4. Le zèbre ne mange pas les fraises.
5. Le zèbre mange de l'herbe.