Monday 6 October 2014

lundi le 6 octobre, 2014

Bonjour les familles de division 6 :)

Four handouts were sent home today in the agendas. If any of these don't make it home, or if you need a second copy please email me and I will gladly send another along. The four items were: 1) a welcome letter from administration (Marilyn Campbell- Principal and Gillian Lawson- Vice- Principal). 2) a letter and small envelope asking for donations for the cost of agendas. 3) a PAC night movie and pizza order form, and 4) our first dictée attached to a note from me about how it works.

The first dictée will be this Friday, October 10th. Please help your child practice and be confident reading, writing and understanding the words throughout the week. I recommend a regular routine of homework about 30 minutes whenever possible (15 min for dictée practice, 15 min for French reading). Students need to remember that each sentence always starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. We will be discussing them in class, however, if you want to translate them there is a useful tool online called Google translate. Here is the dictée this week:

1) Léo est un bébé éléphant.
2) Il est un bébé géant.
3) Sa trompe est son nez..
4) Il a quatre grands pieds.
5) Léo aime bien jouer.

This week we are starting quite a few units. In French we are studying the sounds and syllables é, ed, er, és et ez, ée and ai. We are also going to review some basic French grammar such as vowels, consonnants, plurals using s and some regular French verb conjugations. In reading we will do a diagnostic reading comprehension exercise for end of grade 2/beginning of grade 3, silent individual reading on a daily basis, and I read books at the carpet a few times per week. Reading strategies will begin next week.

In Math we are starting with place value and number patterns with numbers up to 1000. Students are also learning various addition games and strategies using Power of Ten cards and worksheets. Towards the end of the week we will do a diagnostic math test for end of grade 2/beginning of grade 3.

In Science last week we began our space unit. Students will be learning about the planets and constellations in our solar system. We will do a variety of group and individual work that integrates vocabulary building, visual art, writing and oral language.

In Physical Education (PE), we a going to be running around the school regularly (while the weather is still nice) in order to build cardio and endurance. In preparation for our basketball, hockey, soccer and dance units we are doing some team building activities (parachute, relays) and learning important techniques (looking, stopping, turning, bending knees, etc).

In Social Studies we have begun our Environment Unit. We've read a book and talked about ways we can help the environment at home, at school and in our community. Today we harvested the soil from last year's class worm bin and created a new home for our "red wigglers". They can now continue to transform our food waste into soil. If any of you would like some freshly harvested soil, please bring a container to "Meet the Teacher" this Thursday from 6-7pm!

We are located in Room 100. I look forward to meeting you.

Tomorrow I will be sending home 2 more letters. One letter requesting that I share your contact information with the class for group email purposes, which also includes a request for photo consent. The second letter will be about our at-home reading program starting tomorrow.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week!

Sincerely, Mme Elise Garcin