Thursday 19 February 2015

Dictée next week

This dictée will be on Thursday February 26th, 2015.

The sound we are working on is: ou (like in the word who, but no wh). This sound can be written in many ways: oud, ouds, oue, ouls, oup, ous, out, oux and oo.

Look for these letter combinations in your dictée and home reading. For example, le loup (the wolf), is pronounced lou (the p is silent).

Here are the dictée sentences:

1. Sur la toundra je vois un iglou.

2. Il est fait de neige et de cailloux.

3. J'entre par un grand trou.

4. Je fais une soupe de choux.

Bonus: 5. J'écoute la chanson des loups.