Tuesday 24 February 2015

Week of Feb 23rd - 27th

lundi le 23 février, 2015

Chèrs familles,

This week students are practicing their dictée and learning to identify and pronunciate the 'ou' sound. They are also learning to do a book report with a 'just right' French story they have chosen from the classroom library. This book report includes finding many aspects of the book such as: the author, the illustrator, the genre, describing the main and secondary characters, finding the problem and the solution. It even includes measuring the length and width of their book, which integrates nicely with our Math topic of the week: measurement.

In Math, students are estimating and using a variety of instruments such as rulers, tape measures and meter sticks. They are measuring classroom materials and body parts (including their height). We will re-measure our heights at the end of the school year to see how much we have grown!

In Social Studies this week, students are creating a timeline of their life, in chronological order. In Science, we have measured and taken photos of our structures. We will watch a slideshow of our structures and reflect on the challenges we faced when building these towers. In the Computer lab, students are continuing to create an English PowerPoint slide show about themselves using the paragraph format we are learning (introductory sentence, interesting details, and a concluding sentence). In Gym we will be doing some dance and yoga. In Art, students are completing some dot pictures of their favourite Chinese zodiac animal. Come and see these beautiful images on our wall!

Have a wonderful week! Mme Garcin