Wednesday 20 May 2015

Week of May 20th - 22st

mercredi le 20 mai, 2015

Chers familles,

This is a mini 3-day week packed with many activities. In Language Arts today we looked at l'imparfait (the imperfect past tense) and how to identify this verb tense in text. We also are working on finding the root of this conjugated verb in order to find the unconjugated version of the verb (in French this is called the infinitive). For example, je marchais (in the imperfect past tense) is the verb marcher (this is the infinitive). We will continue to work on this past tense. We are applying this tense in our writing exercises, such as our pen pals letters we will be writing later this week or next week.

In English Language Arts students are learning to identify phonetic sounds, beginning with the short vowels sounds of a, e, i, o, u. Students are writing short stories using these phonetic sounds. In conjunction with our computer lab time and science, students are also working on an Animal PowerPoint project.

In Math, students are now reviewing term 3 topics. Today we reviewed 2-D geometric shape names and how to sort them in various ways, such as by number of sides. We will also continue to review 3-D shapes, graphs, fractions and basic arithmetic until the end of the year.

In Social Studies this week, students are learning about each Canadian province, along with their capitol cities, flags, flowers, birds and coat of arms. In PE, students are polishing up their merengue dance, which we will be performing at our Friday, June 5th assembly, beginning at 9am. Come and watch us in the gym!

Have a wonderful week, Mme Garcin