Monday 14 September 2015

Dictée #1: Thursday, Sept 17th

Dear Div 6 families,

Below is our first dictée and it will be on Thursday, September 17th. It has been shortened for the first week because there are fewer days to prepare. Grade 2's and 3's will have a weekly dictée. Grade 3's will have and extended dictée with sentences and a spelling test every second Thursday or Friday (I will confirm this bi-weekly routine once our schedule is finalized). The dictée and spelling lists will be sent home in agendas and posted here on Fridays. In the event that there is no school on a Monday, the dictée might be given on the following Friday. If there is no school on a Friday, grade 3 spelling will be the following Thursday. This allows for a full week to prepare. Therefore, Wednesday evening is the last evening to study for our weekly dictée and every second Wednesday or Thursday is the last evening for grade 3's to study their spelling words. If you have any questions to help clarify these routines feel free to email me at

Dictée #1:

2ième (Grade 2):

1.     à

2.     le chat

3.     et

4.     une école

5.     grand

3ième (Grade 3):

1.     à

2.     le chat

3.     et

4.     une école

5.     L’éléphant est grand.

6.     Le chat va à une grande école.