Friday 20 March 2015

Dictée on Friday, March 27th, 2015

Here is our next dictée. Due to our return from Spring Break, this week the dictée will be on Friday, March 27th. Next week, we will continue spelling and dictée on Thursdays.

The phonetic sounds we are focusing on this week are K and SK, which is the same sound in English. K can also be written as C (before an a, o and u), QU and CH (words that have Greek origins such as orchestra, however cherche is pronounced shershe). The SK sound can also be written as SC (before an a , o and u).

1. Monsieur Scorpion joue de la musique.

2. Quatre jours par semaine, il pratique.

3. Il cherche un copain pour s'amuser.

4. Mais Monsieur Martien fait du karaté.

5. Il n'a pas le temps de jouer.