Tuesday 24 March 2015

Week of March 23rd - 27th

mardi le 24 mars, 2015

Welcome back from Spring Break! As students trickle back from holidays, we are doing some review of our French phonetics from our first ten dictées: é, è, a, i, u, en, an, in, on and ou. Students are using dictionaries, their journals, dictée booklets and French duotangs to find and learn new words in the French language!

This week, our dictée is based on the sound k and sk (see previous blog post for details of these sounds). In French Language Arts we are reviewing the irregular verbs avoir (to have) and être (to be). These are the auxiliary verbs we need to know for the past tense: passé compose (in English known as compound past tense). The passé composé is used to express an action that has been completed. It has 2 parts: the auxiliary verb (present tense of avoir or être), and the past participle of the verb. For example: I ate pizza yesterday = Hier, j'ai mangé de la pizza. Therefore, we are now learning to use this past tense: le passé composé.

In Math this week, we are reviewing single-digit multiplication and division up to 10. We will continue doing this through a variety of activities and drills. This term, we will be learning various forms of measurement, geometry and introducing fractions.

In English (and at the computer lab), we are close to finishing our Power Point slide show about ourselves. Next is our Flat Stanley poster project. This will begin later this week, as soon as everyone is back, and brings their poster, pictures and final copy of their write-up. Looks like Flat Stanley had many exciting adventures during the break!

This morning we planted some beautiful plans outside! This will lead nicely into our plant unit, where we will explore our local native wildflowers, learn the various parts of the plant and observe and record the plant germination process with our own seeds.

In Social Studies this term, we will be learning about Canadian geography, provinces and capitols. In the gym today, we continued to learn our dance routine, and explore various yoga poses and stretches.

Have a wonderful week everyone! Mme Garcin